
Showing posts from January, 2018

Raw Feeding - How safe is it??

You may have seen articles in the press recently questioning the Evidence for the benefits of Raw Feeding Pets The Safety of Raw Feeding both to the pet and the owner See this article in the Veterinary Record I listen to the seminar or webinar given by Mike Davies MRCVS a vet with much experience of pet nutrition, having worked for Hills He pints of the risks of raw feeding to be Bones - getting stuck in the gut or perforating the gut Food poisoning - He quotes the fact that the following bacteria as well as some viruses are found in raw meat and could give both pet and carer food poisoning: Salmonella E Coli Campylobacter Clostridia as some rarer bugs Raw meat for the butcher or frozen pet foods do have bacteria on the surface and in the case of ground up products the surface contamination is mixed into the substance of the package. So yes there is a risk. Freezing does not kill all bacteria, it does most worms and protozoa and reduces the number of bacteria. Reputable pet food manu...