
Showing posts from November, 2020

Coconut Oil - Is it good for your Dog?

 Coconut oil is a fashionable addition to the diets of both people and there pets.  Is it good for your dog? NO stick to an species appropriate diet Not according to these researcher. Unless your pets microbiome is used to these forms of oil it can cause more problems than it helps. Have a listen to this youtube interview : You can really upset the delicate balance of your pets gut flora and cause inflammatory chemical to leak out of the gut with coconut oil and many other novel foods which pets are not used to or evolved to consume. Read more about the microbiome on my website . The microbiome is the population of micro-organisms which live along side us in or gut and elsewhere and I think is the reason a raw diet helps so many of my patients.

Raw Feeding Research an Update

 This weekend I attended a seminar on raw feeding from  RAW FEEDING VETERINARY SOCIETY I would like to share some of the results with you Raw Feeding and Allergies Vets who advocate Raw Feeding will confirm that they see a reduction in the severity of skin allergy (atopic dermatitis) and IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) when they change a dog onto a raw diet. This has been confirmed in research presented to the conference by a Finish Group led by  Anna Hielm-Björkman  DVM, PhD in Finland  When a breeding bitch is fed a raw diet and her puppies are fed raw for the first few months of life the incidence of Canine Atopic dermatitis is 3 times 300% less likely to occur. There are other factors such as genetics but diet has a huge affect. Similar results abut the development of IBD in later life is found You can have a look at the studies at   Anna and her team run DOG RISK in Finland and need funds to improve the d...