Evidence for the value and benefits of raw feeding increases...

I would like to share with you some recent research which I was privileged to hear about on webinars and reading over the past month or so. Should dogs and cats be fed a high carbohydrate diet? 1. Comparing Wolves and Dogs natural starch consumption Dogs genomes are different to wolves in a number of aspects including the fact they have genes which allow them to produce amylase (the enzymes which the gut uses to digest starch. Does this mean they can therefore be fed high levels of carbs? Research has shown that wolves diet consists of approximately 50:50 fat and protein and only 1% starch Domestic dogs of a wide variety of sizes and breeds if allowed to self select foods choose to eat 4-7% starch. (Feral) Cats naturally eat about 2% starch and natural would choose to avoid more starch if given a free choice. Wild animals will by the laws of natural selection will eat the foods that give them the best chance of survival. So why do Commercial cat foods contain as much...