Next Vaccicheck Clinics


Saturday Jan 14th 2023 10.00 to 1pm


Our next Titre testing cinic at the Dogs Diner on the Wirral is on the above date.

Ring the Diner on use their facebook site to book

The Dog's Diner Ltd, Tarran Way North, Moreton Wirral CH46 4UB

0151 678 2588

Prices £35.00 per dog

The week after we are doing our first clinic at Imperial Pets near Chester:

Unit 2 Oakwood Farm, Parkgate Road, Chester, (Near the Junction of the A540 and A494 (M56) at Dunkirk)

Saturday 21st of January 2023 Imperial Pets 

Please contact Claire at Imperial Pets to book. /

Tel: 01244 880470
Mobile: 07930 051368


What is Titre Testing?

You can read all about vaccinations and titre testing on the my website at

Basically we will take a blood sample from your pet, take it to our lab and using an antibody test kit measure to see if she has antibodies to Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus. If she has you don't need to vaccinate her. If not it may be advisable.

We use the "Vaccicheck" brand of test kit 

which is described here.

When should I have my dog tested?

  • Leave 3-4 weeks after puppy vaccinations and do then.
  • Before your pets annual vaccine is due
  • Before going to kennels or having treatment

Why should I have my dog tested?

If he has antibodies to a disease he does not need to have a vaccine but you can still rest easy and feel he is safe. Why vaccinate if it is not needed?

Email or phone if you need more information if you want to speak to me.


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